Flying with a Dog/Cat in Cargo as Checked BaggageFlying with a Dog/Cat in Cargo as Checked Baggage

Flying with a Dog/Cat in Cargo as Checked Baggage

YuMiZuNovember 20, 2020

This is a follow up from out post about flying in-cabin. If you wish to read more about flying in-cabin, please click here.

For all the pets who do not qualify for flying in-cabin, you will have no choice but to fly your pet as excess baggage in-cargo.

I have flown with pets in-cargo many times and always fly them as excess baggage with Singapore Airlines because it is the cheapest method so far.

Please note that when I am talking about in-cargo, I am specifically referring to your pet travelling on the same flight with you as checked/excess baggage. If your pet was not flying with you, but flying individually as a cargo, you will have to check with the airline/your agent for the exact details.

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Flying with a Dog/Cat in the CabinFlying with a Dog/Cat in the Cabin

Flying with a Dog/Cat in the Cabin

YuMiZuNovember 20, 2020

I’m sure that everyone misses travelling this year and just can’t wait to visit other countries again. However safety comes first, and we just gotta put the travel plans aside for now and save up for a trip!

But, this might be the perfect time to start preparing all the necessary documents, health check-ups and planning for the trip if you wish to bring your pet overseas for travelling when borders are open again!

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So, I got a pet from overseas, how do I bring it back to Singapore now?So, I got a pet from overseas, how do I bring it back to Singapore now?

So, I got a pet from overseas, how do I bring it back to Singapore now?

YuMiZuOctober 06, 2020

I will be creating a series of posts detailing the breakdown of the process, including the paperwork and the experiences with some tips. I’ve done this paperwork 7 times, so I am pretty familiar with it by now.

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