Many parents would ask which cat litter is the best. It is hard to tell which is the best as each and every household is different and everyone also views things differently. Cats themselves as well have different personalities while each cat parent looks for different features.
Cat litter is something that runs out fast in our household. With 8, many people would think we spend most of our money on food, however, I think we have spent more money on cat litter in fact! With many brands out there that offers almost similar features, which is the best brand to go for? Living with 8 furballs, we often question ourselves which is the best brand. We have tried almost every kind of litter, ranging from pine wood, soya/tofu litter, paper, sand/clay, cane and to the recent snow peas. After trying so many, we honestly have not found the best brand, but rather the kind that works for us. Here’s what we have tried so far and what we think about them! 🙂
When we first got Ninja, we were not prepared as we had zero experience with cats. Ninja our first rescue joined our family with an injured paw from her stray days. We did not think of keeping her as we were inexperienced, we only wanted to help heal her. However with the injury she had, Ninja needed to be confined indoors and I guess her injury was a blessing in disguise to her and our family!
Cat’s Best Original Litter
With no experience, we decided to go to PLC to get food, bowls and cat litter. We were introduced to Cat’s Best Original Litter (100% made from renewable plant fiber). Having only 1 cat at that point in time, this litter worked the best. The odour control was good and clumps well, covering the two most important thing many owners look out for. However this litter was not the most value for money option and had a musky smell after a few days. We continued to use this litter even when Minnie and her kittens joined our family. However, we realised that the litter consumption was not worth the money spent and with more litter boxes around, it started to affect the smell of the house and rooms.
Kit Cat Soya Clump Litter
Being more experienced with cats and knowing more of other products, we decided to change to Kit Cat Soya Clump Litter. By far this brand and range has been used the longest, even till today we are still using it! Kit Cat soya litter has great clumping properties and is flushable! In terms of odour control, it really depends on which scent you choose.
We started off with Green Tea, the odour control was good, however we realised that despite adding fresh litter, there would an ammonia smell coming from the litter even though we clean the litter boxes thoroughly. We have also tried scents such as Original, Charcoal, Lavender, ,Confetti and Baby Powder. Amongst all, we like the Baby Powder scent best! It really musks the odour and does not change the smell of the room which we have encountered from other scents.

Kit Cat Classic Clumps Litter
Other than Soya Clumps from Kit Cat, we also tried the Classic Clumps series to compare as we were still on the hunt for something that was value for money. Though it is value for money, the amount of dust was significant more than Soya Clumps and the scooping of litter was not as easy as it often sticks to the bottom of the litter box, increasing the work needed for cleaning.
In between using Kit Cat Soya Clumps, we had to source for yet another kind of litter as one of our cats, Snowy, developed an allergy, not sure if it was from food or litter, she had pus on her nail beds and soya litters were not helping her recovery. That was when we had to turn to paper litter till she recovered. Paper litter did not really work for us as its clumping properties as well as odour control were not as good as compared to soya. The only benefit that helped us was that the litter was flushable and does not stick to Snowy’s paws. However this could be different from brand to brand as we only tried 1 brand.
Soya litter being one of our top choices, we explored different brands as well. We tried brands such as Aastas Cat, Nurture Pro and even Jolly Cat crushed tofu litter.

Aatas Cat Cat Litter
Here’s what we like and not like about these brands. For Aatas Cat there is minimal tracking, clumps well, flushable but the odour control needs to be better. This could be due to the scent that we tried as we have not explored the other scents. We also encountered the problem of the litter having an ammonia smell once the litter is not “fresh” anymore after less than a week so we did not further explore the other scents.
Nurture Pro Cat Litter
Nurture Pro (Corn)/ – it also had minimal tracking, clumps well, flushable and odour control was slightly better as compared to Aatas Cat Peppermint scent. We did not explore other scents as we also faced the same issue on the ammonia scent, however it was not as strong as compared to other litters that we had the same issue with.

Jolly Cat Crushed Tofu Litter
Jolly Cat Crushed Tofu Litter (Lavender) – This is by far one of the best litter in terms of odour control as well as usage rate. We can definitely see that clumps are stronger and smaller, resulting in lesser litter used per cat. However, one major downside of this litter is the amount of tracking. As this litter is much more finer as compared to other litters, tracking is high. Despite having a covered litter box and a trapping matt, the mess is still there. However, I have seen others that use Toyogo boxes instead to counter this problem! So for those who have space, can explore this brand with Toyogo boxes or any litter box that is fully covered and tall.

World’s Best Cat Litter
We also got a chance to try World’s Best Cat Litter as it was a gift from a giveaway. This litter has good odour control but tracking was high for our cats. Our cats do flick their litter a lot, so for litter boxes that did not have covers, the mess was bad. Though this litter clumps fast, we felt that the clumps do not hold well, if it is not cleared quick enough, the clumps break apart, resulting in parts of clumps at various places in the litter box if another cat were to use one after another.

Unicharm Deo-Toilet
Unicharm Deo-Toilet – This is rather more of the whole system rather than just the litter itself. A little background about this toilet system, Unicharm Deo-Toilet consists of the litter as well as a pee pad. A unique feature about their litter is that it does not absorb your cat’s pee but rather lets it flow down to be absorbed by the pee pad.
Unicharm uses a unique pee pad that is thicker than ordinary pee pads which allows you to use one pee pad for a few days. What we like about this system is that the odour control is good, value for money as litter disposal is low and is easy to clean – Pee is absorbed by the pee pad and picking out cat poop is easy as the pallet size of the litter is relatively bigger as compared to other litters. There is minimal noise as well when cats use the litter box. We have changed our litter box in the master bedroom to this system, and i must say, we have more undisrupted sleep from the sound of cats using the litter box. However, we felt that households that have 1 or maximum 2 cats would see the benefits as well as cost saving of this system.

Cat’s Best Comfort Litter
Some of you may have seen our review on Cat’s Best Comfort Range. When we first tried this, we felt that it was very different from what we normally use cause first off, this range is not a clumping range. More suited for families that only have 1 cat cause for us, we really need to use clumping litter as our cats share litter boxes. This litter has great odour control, gentle on paws, but there is a significant amount of tracking. This litter would be more suited for those who have kittens or cats that are new to using cat litters due to its non-clumping features. When we first got Leo, we weren’t sure if he knew how to use a litter box so this litter came in handy before transiting him to the normal litter we use for the rest.

Kit Cat Snow Peas
One of the latest cat litters, Kit Cat Snow Peas, is our favourite cat litter! It has good odour control, clumps fast and well resulting in smaller clumps, minimal dust and definitely value for money. With smaller clumps, the amount of litter used is lesser. We could see the difference when using snow peas as compared to soya litter, litter consumption was lesser, one bag of snow peas could last longer than one bag of soya litter. However, as this litter is relatively light, tracking is visible but can be reduced with covered litter boxes and a litter trapping matt.

Eco Cane Cat Litter
Thanks to The Woof Agency and Pawjourr, we got to try out Eco Cane Cat Litter! We would be doing a more detailed review on our Instagram soon! This litter is definitely value for money when compared to its price per day. We have used this litter for about 5 days now, it has good odour control as well as clumping. However, as this litter is quite fine and small, tracking is high and gets stuck between our cats’ paws.
Being spoilt with many brands and choices, it is definitely hard to just stick with one brand of litter. We would always want to try and explore more options whenever possible. I guess it all comes down to what features we humans want and which litter can suite our cats best 🙂
We are currently using Kit Cat Baby Powder Soya Clumps as well as Kit Cat Snow Peas (almost every scent cause we are still exploring which is our favourite scent!) What are you using? 🙂 Let us know if the comments and why you think it is the best for your kitties 🙂
So… That’s about it! Hope we did not bore you hehe! Hope every owner can find your “best” litter.
* This blog is designed to be a community where pet owners can learn and share. The views expressed in each post are the opinion of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Pawjourr. Always consult your veterinarian for professional advice.