Community Stories

Introducing Dog Runs!

fatinSeptember 23, 2021~ 3 mins read

What is a dog run?

A dog run refers to a fenced up area where dogs are kept within a safe confined space and off the leash
to get their daily exercise and to socialise with other dogs and dog owners.

Most of the time, dog runs are seen as a social space for both dogs and their owners. Dogs can run,
interact and play off-leash with other dogs while being safely contained and segregated from other
people enjoying the park.

As it is a requirement by law for owners to leash up dogs in Singapore’s public spaces, dog runs help to provide open outdoor spaces for cooped-up apartment dwelling dogs to have the freedom they need to run and have fun.

Dog runs are managed by different agencies and one of them is the National Parks Board (NParks). Dog runs -managed by NParks- are usually situated within parks. They consist of turfed lawns, which provide a more natural environment for dogs to explore a variety of textures and spaces.

Dogs need to stay active, exercise and release pent up energy. Active dogs will stay in shape, experience less anxiety and depression and have overall better physical and mental well beings with outdoor stimulation.

Visiting a Dog Run

You can now visit any of NParks’ 15 dog runs located all throughout Singapore in the parks. There are also, other public dog runs that are situated in HDB spaces and on state land as well as private dog runs managed by private entities across the island.

Larger NParks dog runs are situated at West Coast Park, Bishan – Ang Mo Kio Park, Jurong Lake Gardens and East Coast Park. They are extremely popular with dog owners and are well used throughout the day. Many dog owners come all the way across the island to use these dog runs.

The dog runs have also developed into a common meeting space for dog owners of all backgrounds and interests.

For Non-Pet Owners

Non-pet owners can certainly visit the dog run, however, we would advise them to exercise caution and be aware of the Do’s and Don’ts in the dog run. Non-pet owners must first be comfortable with the presence of dogs that may come in various sizes, breeds and behaviours. Being able to recognise and watch out for certain behaviours of dogs will be important to mitigate the potential issues in a dog run. Always ask the owner for permission before approaching an unknown dog.

Bringing in human or dog food into the dog run is also discouraged. Dogs may get attracted by the food and start to crowd around the visitor. This can lead to instances of dogs behaving aggressively in order to get to the food and owners may not be around in time to control their dogs.

Visitors should avoid approaching nor presenting any food to dogs without prior consent from their owners. Interaction with dogs should not be forced upon the dogs, especially those that may seem fearful or aggressive.

Visitors should also avoid bringing their young children into dog runs to play with the dogs. Even if under parental supervision, dogs may accidentally injure young children through play.

In short, although you may still enter, we would still advise and highly discourage non-pet owners from entering the dog runs. It would be wiser to leave the space for dogs and dog owners who need it. As an alternative, non-pet owners can observe the dogs from the outside instead.

Mantaining a Dog Run

Dog runs are usually maintained through frequent grass cutting, cleansing of the dog run area and emptying of bins. This is to ensure that all visitors (dogs and their humans) have a safe and clean space for exercising and socialising.

Sufficient shaded resting and seating spaces are also made available when possible.

Now that you know what a dog run is, it’s time to explore!

* This blog is designed to be a community where pet owners can learn and share. The views expressed in each post are the opinion of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Pawjourr. Always consult your veterinarian for professional advice.



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