Seriously, it is Alright to Feed Kibbles and Raw Diet Together.Seriously, it is Alright to Feed Kibbles and Raw Diet Together.

Seriously, it is Alright to Feed Kibbles and Raw Diet Together.

YuMiZuOctober 26, 2020

“No! You should never mix kibbles and raw meat together. It will lead to problems because kibbles and raw meat have different digestion speeds and require different pH levels, so you can’t eat them at the same time. You should feed a fully raw diet, none of that kibbles cr@p. That’s like feeding McDonald’s to your pet every day.”

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A (Failed) Raw Diet JourneyA (Failed) Raw Diet Journey

A (Failed) Raw Diet Journey

jr.boyboyAugust 27, 2020

The raw diet for dogs and cats has always been a controversial topic amongst pet owners.

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