Did I make the right choice?Did I make the right choice?

Did I make the right choice?

Jane PehMarch 01, 2021

3 months ago, we made the decision to get Oolong thinking that we are prepared mentally and financially to be pet owners (whilst running a start-up). ☺ Rather than being informative, this is more of a #thoughtcatalogue kind of article. ?: “Can we get a dog, please?” ?: “No dogs! I’m busy enough taking care […]

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As I go gray, I want my hooman to know…As I go gray, I want my hooman to know…

As I go gray, I want my hooman to know…

jeanyjFebruary 25, 2021

I opened my doggo eyes to the warm sunlight and I think of my younger days where I would bounce up and run out to play. Somewhere in my 13 years of life, things changed. It was not because I have become less playful, neither was it because the toys weren’t fun anymore. It’s simply […]

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All About Spitzes – DietAll About Spitzes – Diet

All About Spitzes – Diet

PawjourrFebruary 18, 2021

Continuing on our series of Stories From The Community: All About Spitzes, this second article will be discussing the topic of diets – what are common foods they avoid as well as recommendations by our very own Spitz owners. This article will feature the experiences & insights from the hoomans of Orithespitz, legendthespitz and hweeventures! […]

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The Story of an Assistance DogThe Story of an Assistance Dog

The Story of an Assistance Dog

PawjourrFebruary 17, 2021

Ever wondered what the life of an assistance/guide dog was like? The Woof Agency had the chance to speak to Isabella, a visually impaired woman who lives her life with O’Hara, her guide dog. Read on to learn about how the process of obtaining a guide dog, key distinctions between the various types of assistive […]

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How I suddenly came to care for a senior hamsterHow I suddenly came to care for a senior hamster

How I suddenly came to care for a senior hamster

gladyszzieFebruary 08, 2021

When I first started my internship, I was told that we have an office hamster that is around 2-3 years old which is estimated to be around 80-120 years old in hamster age. Initially, I did not interact much with the him but as time went by, I slowly grew attached to him. I started […]

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Could Miniature Schnauzer be the most beginner-friendly dog breed?Could Miniature Schnauzer be the most beginner-friendly dog breed?

Could Miniature Schnauzer be the most beginner-friendly dog breed?

jeanyjFebruary 02, 2021

Are you thinking of what dog breed might be suitable for you as a first-time owner? I know exactly how you feel. Before we got Fifi, we were excited about her arrival. Yet, we are also anxious about the challenges that might arise with caring for a new furbaby. However, with proper research done, you’ll […]

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The ugly truth about getting a puppy. #PuppybluesThe ugly truth about getting a puppy. #Puppyblues

The ugly truth about getting a puppy. #Puppyblues

Jane PehJanuary 16, 2021

Are you planning to get yourself a puppy in 2021? Perfect! Because you’ll need all the advice you can get before taking on such a responsibility. Much like any other purchase or product, getting a puppy isn’t just about plopping down some cash and taking it home. It takes research, preparation, and consideration. #Puppyblues IS […]

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