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2022 Instagram Algorithm Explained – and what it means for brands

Damien PohDecember 14, 2022~ 2 mins read

Instagram’s algorithm has been a topic of interest among users, brands, and even celebrities, who are desperately trying to figure out and “play the game” to simply make their posts seen by their followers. 

For those who aren’t familiar with Instagram, prior to 2016, Instagram’s feed has been displayed in chronological order, no matter how much you’ve interacted with the profile. But it all changed when Instagram launched an update, where user’s feeds are now curated based on their activity on the app… until 2022.

What changed in 2016?

Since 2016,  Instagram has an algorithm (or more accurately, algorithms) that helps them determine which posts to show you, in no particular order. Which means you might miss a post or two, from an account you love but “rarely interact” because they aren’t as active as other profiles. 

According to Instagram, their algorithm is made up of different algorithms, and processors to determine which posts make it. Not only that, different portions of the app have their respective algorithms. Which explains why the Explore page is so different from Reels. 

Instagram’s 2022 algorithm

Earlier this year, Instagram introduced the ability for users to switch between chronological order, as well as the feed that Instagram’s processes have worked hard to curate for users on the platform. 

In a tweet by the Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, users can choose between these three options:

  • Home 
  • Favorites 
  • Following 

With Favorites, Instagram is letting users play a bigger role in controlling their feed. You can curate your own feed by adding profiles you love to the list, with a maximum of 50 (for now anyways). And that’s not even the best part!

Even under a different feed, like “Home”, profiles in your “Favorites” list will rank higher up in your feed. This is a big change for business and brands who are struggling to gain visibility, and feeling like they’re constantly getting “shadowbanned”.

  1. “Shadowbanning doesn’t exist”

Last year, Adam Mosseri also debunked misconceptions about Instagram’s processes and assured users that shadowbanning does not exist. He attributes reasons why followers aren’t interacting with (your) posts is due to their tendency of looking “at less than half of their feed”. 

There are ways to avoid this by creating consistent and quality content that resonates with your audience, which reflects your brand’s image. 

Pro-tip: Find out the performance of your posts with Instagram Insights

  1. Leverage Instagram’s analytics tool

Instagram is currently providing insights in areas such as:

  • Accounts engaged – likes, saves, shares, and comments
  • Accounts reached – users who have seen your post/on screen
  • Overall content – data that represents your audience’s behavior/interaction with your content (link clicks, ad taps)

Keeping your audience engaged should remain a top priority no matter your goals, and you can do just that with the statistics provided. By leveraging Instagram’s analytics tool, you’d be able to gain better insights into your posts. 

  1. Putting your audience first

You’d find that trying to gain visibility is no longer a challenge, if you simply deliver content that they want. With that approach, you’re bound to appear on their feed, and hopefully even in their “Favorites” list.

Instagram is constantly changing and developing to make the platform more accessible for brands, businesses, consumers and creators alike. So, keep a lookout for future updates for creators!  

* This blog is designed to be a community where pet owners can learn and share. The views expressed in each post are the opinion of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Pawjourr. Always consult your veterinarian for professional advice.


Damien Poh

22 Posts

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