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Aon’s HappyTails: @atlas_thefloof

JaneSeptember 30, 2024~ 3 mins read

Hi everyone – Atlas is a 2yo Pomeranian, a very vocal, active, gluttony and silly, but yet sweet and slightly timid boy. He came from Germany at 5mo and we hope to give him the best life we can afford by bringing him out on lots of outings.

Q: How do you care for the wellness of your pet, especially if they are prone to any hereditary illness?

Regular exercises (walks and swimming) and fresh food diet, as well as lots of natural supplements for skin and joint health eg omega-3, collagen, glucosamine.

Q: What were your consideration / buying process like when shopping around for a pet insurance?

The main factor would be our priority in the scope of coverage and ease of claims. We read up on websites comparing the different pet insurances as well as Facebook threads where other pawrents’ share their knowledge and experience (esp claims). We also visited booths at events to learn more about the insurance coverage.

Q: What eventually made you decide to get insured with Aon Happy Tail? 

The main trigger was when we know of some poms getting fractured limbs from falls as well as some other furfriends having issues such as intestinal obstruction. Atlas is a very active boy. While we stop him from jumping and all, we feel that he may be quite accident-prone.

While we can take care of his health through diet and exercise, accidents can still happen, and it will come with hefty costs of surgery.

We came to know that Aon Happy Tail provides a decent surgery coverage at an affordable premium compared to other insurance plans and decided to go ahead with Aon Happy Tail.

Q: How is the entire buying process like? How long did the entire process took?

Online application, it’s pretty fuss-free and quick, just that a medical examination is required so it’s an extra vet visit.

Q: Has anything changed (mentally) after getting your pet insured?

No. Despite the coverage, the main priority is still to keep him safe. After all, going through surgery and recovery is a really painful process, for both him and us, and it’s best to avoid it.

Q: Why do you think people are not ready to commit to a pet insurance?

As far as I know, there is no pet insurance that is completely comprehensive without high premiums. It is difficult for pawrents to identify their needs and priority to commit. Plus, congenital, hereditary and existing conditions, which are the main concerns for most pawrents, are generally excluded. Frankly speaking, I hesitated as well because Atlas got diagnosed with Grade 1 Luxating Patella (which is my biggest concern) during the medical examination, and is therefore excluded from coverage. There is also a concern with the ease and transparency of claims as there are many conditions which can arguably be under exclusions.

No. Despite the coverage, the main priority is still to keep him safe. After all, going through surgery and recovery is a really painful process, for both him and us, and it’s best to avoid.

Any suggestion or advice to people who are still shopping around or considering pet insurance? 

As pawrents, we should always be saving up for rainy days, with or without insurance. But personally, I still think insurance is a good idea as vet bills can be really hefty that our “rainy days savings” can be depleted. Going through illness, surgery and recovery is very psychologically draining itself. Having insurance coverage to at least cushion the financial stress will be helpful while we direct our attention to taking care of our furkids.

Thank you for joining atlas and his pawrent in this insightful journey!

Taking care of our beloved pets is just as important as caring for any family member. Covering your pet with a pet insurance like Aon Happy Tails, is a proactive way to protect your pet’s health and ensure your peace of mind.

* This blog is designed to be a community where pet owners can learn and share. The views expressed in each post are the opinion of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Pawjourr. Always consult your veterinarian for professional advice.



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