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Aon’s HappyTails: @Kaya_jspitz

JaneJuly 29, 2024~ 2 mins read

Meet Kaya_jspitz and her paw-mily!

Hi everyone – Kaya is my fluffy japanese spitz and he is a very cheerful and goofy dog!

Q: How do you care for the wellness of your pet, especially if they are prone to any hereditary illness?

Ensure that Kaya only eats high quality kibbles and train up his muscles regularly as Japanese spitz is prone to patella luxation issues.

Q: What were your consideration / buying process like when shopping around for a pet insurance?

Lifelong coverage was the most important factor for me.

Q: What eventually made you decide to get insured with Aon Happy Tail?

What stood out to me is that the Aon Happy Tail policy is one of the only policy providers that offers lifetime coverage for my pet, which gives me peace of mind knowing the my pet is insured for his lifetime.

Q: How is the entire buying process like? How long did the entire process took?

The process was very quick. Once you’ve signed up, the next steps would be to visit the vet the next day for checks, and voila your pet is insured!

Q: Has anything changed (mentally) after getting your pet insured?

I’m now worry-free, knowing that I will always have the safety net in relation for kaya’s medical health

Q: Why do you think people are not ready to commit to a pet insurance?

One major factor would be the price, which could deter people off purchasing pet insurance.

Q: Any suggestion or advice to people who are still shopping around or considering pet insurance?

Find one that has lifelong coverage.

Thank you for joining kaya and her pawrent in this insightful journey!

Caring for our cherished pets is as essential as looking after any family member. Opting for pet insurance, especially a thorough and dependable choice like Aon Happy Tails, represents a proactive approach to safeguard your pet’s health and maintain your peace of mind.

Discover the perfect plan for your pet at Aon Happy Tails and

* This blog is designed to be a community where pet owners can learn and share. The views expressed in each post are the opinion of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Pawjourr. Always consult your veterinarian for professional advice.



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