Brand Highlights/Community Stories

Let’s Protect our Loved Ones with Pet Insurance!

fatinAugust 25, 2021~ 4 mins read

The month of August marks a special event for Singaporeans.

On the 9th of August, Singaporeans gather around to celebrate their National Day. Due to heightened pandemic alerts, celebrations were held online. As such, many Singaporeans took this opportunity to spend some time with their loved ones in the comfort and safety of their homes. 

Since adopting Dexter, the 9th of August marks more than 1 special occasion for Shermaine. Here’s what she had to say:

What does Singapore mean to you and how will you be celebrating National Day this year?

Growing up in Singapore, this country symbolises comfort and security for me. 

Especially during these trying times, I am glad that our pandemic situation has not spiralled out of control. I feel assured that we are reasonably protected in Singapore!

I also enjoy the peace and security we have in Singapore that I think we should definitely not take for granted! 

This year, the performances have been postponed, but I believe my family and I would still be up to watch the parade! Definitely can’t miss out on the flypast, am I right? ?

Afterwards, it would just be a really chill day. I intend to catch up on some family time and celebrate my little monkey’s* birthday! I ordered a birthday cake for him so I am pretty excited about that. It will be a small celebration though since we are unable to invite his doggy friends. 

*Little Monkey is the nickname Shermaine has for her pomeranian dog, Dexter.

Oh wow, what a surprise! What does it mean to celebrate both Dexter and Singapore’s birthday on the same day?

I was relatively surprised too when I found out that he is a National Day baby. It is great because I can be sure I would always have time to celebrate his birthday since it is a Public Holiday. Plus, enjoy some fireworks! (though not this year) 

Dexter is my second dog after the sudden passing of my first dog named Junior. Hence, I understand wholeheartedly the importance of cherishing every moment I have with him. He is an integral part of my family so I always feel the need to protect him. Especially since he is dependent on me for his living.

He is my baby and I will do anything to keep him safe and happy!

That is so sweet! I can sense that you share a deep bond with Dexter. What are some steps you take to protect your furkid?

I bring him out for regular checkups which are super important. I also believe in the importance of vaccinating your pets. Since Dexter is relatively small, I have to be sure not to over-vaccinate him. Just the essential shots to reduce his susceptibility to illnesses. Prevention is better than cure!

My expenditure for vet visits is constantly increasing. Based on my past experience with Junior, medical costs are always a concern. From the pet owners I have talked to, most of them recommended pet insurance. I think it works similarly to human’s insurance, right?

If we purchase insurance for our family members, and Dexter is family, then certainly I should be getting him some too!

Speaking of pet insurance, have you heard about Aon Happy Tails?

Yes, I have!

I heard that toy and small breeds like Pomeranians are very prone to joint issues such as luxating patella. Dexter is one of them. For an active dog like him who is constantly jumping and running around, I worry about him constantly. However, I am aware that luxating patella is only covered by Aon Happy Tails pet insurance if it is not a pre-existing condition.

That being said, for dog owners who are extremely concerned about their dog’s safety- I would recommend looking into Aon Happy Tails pet insurance. Even though Dexter’s luxating patella would not be covered, I would still consider purchasing it, in case he develops further issues in the future.

Plus, I’ve always heard good recommendations and reviews regarding Aon Happy Tails. Just remember to cut down on the BBT* so that your little one is well protected! #WorthIt

* BBT refers to bubble tea, one of Shermaine’s favourite drinks.

Aon Happy Tails pet insurance covers a wide range of illnesses and medical conditions such as:

  • Luxating Patella
  • Hip and Elbow Dyplasia
  • Cherry Eye
  • Glaucoma
  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)
  • Femoral Head and Neck Excision

** DISCLAIMER: There is a ninety (90) days waiting period for sicknesses and a twelve (12) month waiting period for Specified Hereditary and Congenital sicknesses from the policy’s first commencement during which sicknesses claims are not payable.

During the twelve (12) month waiting period, if conditions or symptoms of luxating patella begin to emerge, it will be considered a pre-existing condition and will no longer be covered by Aon Happy Tails. For Shermaine’s case, since luxating patella is already an existing condition for Dexter, it would not be covered under her purchase of Aon Happy Tails pet insurance!

For more information, you can also check out their dedicated online portal which helps pet parents obtain a library of pet-related information, as well as ensure their sign up process is smooth and easy to access. You can also access their pricing plans via their website. Simply enter your details and get a quote!

With Aon Happy Tails, rest assured your pet is in safe hands.

You can find out more about Aon Happy Tails pet insurance via their Instagram or Website.

Follow Shermaine and Dexter on Instagram.

** All information found within this article is subject to the terms and conditions of Aon Happy Tails.

* This blog is designed to be a community where pet owners can learn and share. The views expressed in each post are the opinion of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Pawjourr. Always consult your veterinarian for professional advice.



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