Community Stories/Creator's Academy

Starting a social media page for your pet

whiskers_hollandlopFebruary 06, 2021~ 2 mins read

How to make your pet an Instagram star

Official Twitter account of my two pets

Whiskers started her own Instagram account just last year, and ever since it has garnered 130+ followers as of today. Every time she comes out to play, there would be at least one post of her mischief in the house. Now that there is another member of the family – Miku, we would need a combined social media page – in the form of a twitter account.

Typically, we would post at least one to two times whenever Whiskers is on the loose. Once, we caught her in the act of peeing on our sofa (cause she’s shameless) and it garnered just about 9 likes as of today.

Sometimes, we would just post about her being lazy and sleeping in her cage or elsewhere in our house cause rabbits can sometimes be lazy and not come out to play. Even as she lazes around, she still is cute!

Even when lazy, she still is a cutie! <3

Oftentimes, this is the spot where she likes to “camp” out since it is dark and rabbits prefer to hide in a place that is dark and sheltered from outside so that they will feel safe from predators. (Here is a vid of her eating her favorite snack while in her favorite hiding spot! =>

Another time, I took a pic of her lying down under our wooden cupboard and edited out the background to make her look like she’s at the beach in summer for a photo competition, as using filters or background effects can add more magic to your photos to make them really stand out.

This shows that sometimes, your furkid doesn’t need to be awake and active in order to be cute. Their cutest moments can come even when they are out like a light.

The day finally came when Whiskers hit 100 followers on Instagram, and she is ready to do a sponsored post. I celebrated it by doing an IG story with party filters (which has now disappeared due to the nature of IG stories).

When Miku finally came to our family late last year, I was wondering whether to make a combined page for them since someone already started an IG account for her. Then, I decided to turn to twitter and make a combined account specially for both fur kids. One of the pics I uploaded for Miku was this:

Still pic of Miku in 2020

With a combined twitter account I can finally post pics and vids of both of these two furry friends, or simply type a tweet like making a 10-word blog about the rabbit and the pomapoo. Occasionally, I would tweet about some cute bunny vids that I find on IG. Twitter can also be a way to promote Whiskers’ Instagram account, while I use instagram to promote their twitter at the same time so both pages end up helping each other.

My tweet promoting whiskers_hollandlop on IG

So what are you waiting for? Go and follow Miku and Whiskers on Twitter and Instagram to show them some love! Links are embedded in the first paragraph! <3<3<3

* This blog is designed to be a community where pet owners can learn and share. The views expressed in each post are the opinion of the author and not necessarily endorsed by Pawjourr. Always consult your veterinarian for professional advice.



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